How To - PourOver


Things you need

  1. Pour Over
  2. Medium Coarse Ground Coffee beans
  3. Good quality water (Filtered)
  4. Filter Paper


Coffee to water ratio 1: 14

280ml : 20 gms  



Step 1

Boil the water and grind the coffee. Remember to turn off the heat just before the water starts to bubble. ( remember to boil about 100ml extra, for wetting the filter and pre heating the cup)


Step 2

Put the paper filter in the pour over


Step 3

Wet the filter paper with a good amount of water, to remove the papery taste, while also preheating the cup. (remember to drain the cup)


Step 4

Add all the ground coffee on to the wet filter paper


Step 5 - 1st Pour

Pour about 60ml of water in a circular motion


Step 6

Stir in one single direction, to make sure all the coffee is evenly immersed in the water


Step 7

Wait for about 30 seconds (blooming)


Step 8 - 2nd Pour

Pour another 160ml of water ( total till now 220ml) and wait for the coffee to drip down into the cup


Step 9 - 3rd Pour

Now pour the remaining 60 ml of water and wait.


Step 10

Sip & enjoy!

(Have it black or add a little bit of milk and/ or sugar)

 pour over coffee drawing, illustration